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The Elections. It’s only just beginning

The crowds of extras at Gostiny Dvor will soon move forward to Manezhnaya square in a “Parade of victory”

  • 2546

Previously: What is discussed in buses on Bolotnaya square, what music is playing at polling stations, and the star voting.

The polling stations in Moscow have closed down. One hour later, the elections will be over all over Russia, and counting will begin. For the time being, the center of activity has moved to the site of RosVybory (Russian Elections), where in the improvised alternative CEC of the ‘Masterskaya’ club, Alexei Navalny has begun his own counting. In a live feed, he will announce the results.

At Openaction.ru – detailed voting instructions of Transstroy, Gormost, and other state and municipal organizations.

Our reporter at Gostiny Dvor is reporting: “Gostiny Dvor is full. Soon all will go to the Manezhnaya square. The boss here is one Dmitry V. Tokarev”. The participants are given banners: “P… is our president” (until 9 pm in Moscow we cannot write out this name) and luminous wands”.

“I’m shocked. It’s fucking unbelievable,” our reporter continues. “It’s a conveyor belt, a factory. We approach everyone, asking: will you be paid before or after. They all say after. Not a single one asked – what are you talking about? Un-fucking-believable.”



In the meanwhile, the OMON (special police forces) are preparing for visitors who do not conceal their funding.


Andrei Shkatov, voter:

“Dear friends, we just wanted to tell you that we had a hell of a time. We spent 15 hours on the bumpiest road I’ve ever seen, covering 550 kilometers on Indonesian roads with one goal in mind – reach the Russian embassy and vote. It was a success: embassy employees were very nice and kind, and we put our sheets of papers into the nostalgic scruffy wooden ballot box. We were not alone: in Jakarta, the Russians were coming to the embassy in droves. Please do not rush to buy a carton of yoghurt and frozen food in your local supermarket, you won’t enjoy it anyway. Kids crying, hangover, tattered shoes, it’s all nonsense. Go to the polling station and vote. Please do. It will lower the chances of your vote being stolen. Thank you!”

Mikhail Shats, observer:

“The most widespread ‘wizardry’ is the removal of observers. Cheating, provocateur brigades, etc. As for ‘carousels’, some members of the electoral commission have rulers of different colors – green, red, yellow. It’s a complete disaster, the triumph of unlawfulness. Net result of the day: I told the policeman – there are infringements at your station. He said: well, call the police, then. There’s some ice on the Neva here and there.

Coming next: devil knows what’s coming next.


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