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Elections. Sun in gone

Journalist who asked «Who is mister Putin?» is in Moscow, decoy observers, line at an elite school: those queueing are not children

  • 1619

Previously: Navalny opened an alternative CEC, dead souls, video for contemplation and other marginalia

Sun in Moscow is gone, but Vladimir Putin appeared and went to vote. On his way he dropped the ballot (this incident gives free range to interpretations, jokes and demotivators), but he made his choice.


BG correspondent reports: “At Navalny's Alternative CEC in Masterskaya café there is a new guest; American journalist Thrudy Rubin, who is famous by her question 'Who is mister Putin?' asked at The World Economic Forum 2000 in Davos. Now she is going to ask: 'Who is mister Navalny?' — but Navalny is very busy.”

Thrudy Rubin is accompanied by Evgenia Albats, chief editor of The New Times.

As for decoy observers and electoral fraud there are new developments.
RIA Novosti reports: “The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation informed CEC that allegedly at one of the poll stations of Moscow Region 'decoy observers' were discovered”, according to the member of Public Chamber Joseph Diskin.

He also mentioned that it happened at station N1452 in Moscow, and that the decoy observers have somebody else’s certificates.

Sergey Parkhomenko, mobile unit:

“We are chasing full bus of traders from “Sadovod” market (“gardener’s market”), who were brought about an hour ago at one of our stations “to vote”. The observers called the police and are submitting a complaint. And we are riding around neighbouring stations.
I don’t know if we manage to catch the “gardeners”, but we’ll surely see more of school creative advertising.
In one of the schools there is obviously some macaroniphile maniac. The hall is all covered with posters threatening children’s mental health.”

Anna Mongait, observer:

“At our poll station at school N57 there is a kilometer-long line. Hundreds of people are not on the lists. To improve the morale, they play soviet songs.  

Filipp Dzyako, mobile unit:

“Location: McDonalds in Strogino. Mobile unit members, Pyotr Mansilya, Vladimir Dolgy, Grigory Okhotin, is using all kind of equipment to download the rerecorded interview with the chairman of electoral district 2888 — 12 minutes full of pain (it is the station where suddenly 1300 new voters-workers appeared). At the next table Maxim Vitorgan and Timour Olevsky are editing the report about station N 3186: one hundred applications there were signed by the same hand. Everybody share amazing news: they say, at a station nearby members of electoral committee barricaded themselves against observers. Mansilya and Vitorgan are stealthily photographed by schoolgirls with strawberry cocktails. Everybody knows Putin is going to win, and everybody knows how.
As Maxim Vitrogan said, the bomb is already ticking.”

At the mental health facility N1, 8 March Street, station 3236, where 165 patients are registered, all is quiet, report our decoy observers. By the lunch time half of the ward have voted.

Our lunatic asylum votes for Putin.

Next episode: The Patriarch and Ramzan Kadyrov vote; Putin is treated with bare breasts, while at the polling stations the last remains of conscience are lost.


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