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Elections: Early Afternoon

Navalny opened an alternative CEC, dead souls, video for contemplation and other marginalia.

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Previously: Dmitry Medvedev has already voted, crowds of voters without absentee certificates, late-night reality show with web cameras

We have to admit, it is not yet midnight at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, but the elections are already over. We’ll know the results at 9 p.m., when polling stations are closed in Kaliningrad.

In fake twitter of Vladimir Churov (the head of the CEC) they joke: “We have a new complaint. The staff of the Carousel hypermarket can’t vote: there are huge lines everywhere. They’ve been already at 8 stations”. (“Carousel”, or merry-go-round, is a popular stunt, when the same people go many stations with absentee certificates and vote repeatedly.)

Meanwhile, we started getting first official data on “carousels”. Lenta.ru informs:

“In Eketerinbough near Grinwich shopping mall the police detained the participants of carousel, as reported by Novy Region agency with reference to one of the observers.

About ten people participated in the “carousel”: they admitted that they had already voted at another station. According to the observer, they were drunk.

Liga Izbirateley (League of Electors) website informed that two “carousel” members were detained:

“At the moment only 10 mobile units out of 120 are active in Moscow. By this time, one of our mobile units has detained two “carousel” members who were brought to a police station in Korolyov. We are submitting an application to the Office of Public Prosecutor”.

By noon the project “Observation 2012” registered over 2000 violations. All in all, hotline 8 800 200 2012 got 4 500 calls. The observers report shortcomings in the work of polling stations. By now 63 observers have been removed from the stations

Alexandra Sokolova, observer at station N 1222:

Two young people registered in Magnitogorsk came without absentee certificates. The chairman at first turned them off, but then phoned someone and “got the permission” to give them ballots. We are submitting a complaint.

Sergey Parkhomenko, mobile unit:

Arrived at station N1373 on Krasnodarskaya Street, near the Lublino metro station. It’s a big school. The members of the committee are tense, scared teachers-. They snarl and demand documents every now and then. They also drive a flock of young observers from one corner to another. Just now a bus with 25 employees of “Metrostroy” arrived. They all voted together, with absentee certificates. The camera does not transmit any footage: they say, connection is too slow, it all will be recorded and eventually “someone will come and take the recording”. This station is not listed at Web election web-site at all.
Conclusion: bad place, they will have some adventures later in the day. Gave my number to the observers. Will come back here later.

Anton Nosik, voter:

At infamous stations N 20888 and N 20887 in Strogino, where mass ballot stuffing were reported at previous elections, 600 “dead souls” were registered as voters. Allegedly, they are employees of construction companies “Cosmos-Tonnel”, OOO “ERKO”, “Baltic Construction Company” etc., who supposedly can only vote in Strogino, because they are so busy constructing in the district. However, none of the companies have offices or construction sites in Strogino. But these 600 people who were registered by proxy according to the list submitted to the poll station by anonymous applicant are really very busy: they have to make it from Rostovsky Region to Manezhnaya (where Putin supporters are supposed to gather), and it’s quite far, so they really have no time for voting. So their ballots will be disposed by 20 000 participants of “Putin Supporters Network”, which will also by proxy, without passports and personal presence, were registered as observers at the stations of Moscow and Moscow Region. They will also conduct exit polls, which in their ignorance they call “exit POOLS”. According to these POOLS, Vladimir Putin has already got 57% in Moscow and Moscow Region.

Evgeny Natarov, observer:

A voter spotted his mother’s name in the list. His mother died in 2004. Moreover, in December she was not on the list. Submitted an application, joked gazeta.ru.

Ekaterina Shulman, voter:

Polling stations N 64, Meschanky district, Moscow: first thing in the morning 50 people with absentee certificates appeared, from Chekhov – which is not a crime in itself, of course. But then there was a crowd of voters not included in the preliminary lists, with the following registration addresses in their passports: 2 Bolshaya Lubyanka, 1/3 Bolshaya Lubyanka and 14 Bolshoy Karetny – all FSB (Federal Security Service) buildings! And there are no apartments numbers.

На участке №70 урны развалились слегка

Alexay Navalny opens direct broadcast from his Alternative CEC, located at Café “Masterskaya”: his first guest is publisher Leonid Bershidsky.

Live stream videos at Ustream
Video streaming by Ustream
At Manezhnaya square they are assembling stage, at Bolotnaya square the stage is already in place and one hundred buses arrived.



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